Thursday, September 16, 2010

We are what we eat

It’s a story that has always fascinated me. A story in the Upanishad’s (ancient spiritual texts) which talks about a young boy asking his Guru (Spiritual Master) ‘What is brahaman?’ to which the Guru responds saying, ‘Anna Brahama’. Undoubting, the little boy goes and meditates upon this answer given by the Guru. The story goes on to say that, 4 more such one line answers later, the boy finally achieves enlightenment. The spirituality of the whole story besides, just that food can be equated with God or Godliness was something that amazed me. So, I decided to explore and experiment.

Being the foodie that I am, I loved this experiment. I ate different kinds of food on different days and saw what it did to my mind and body. Ate spicy stuff and saw my mood swing, ate stale food and saw my mind plummet, ate raw vegetables and saw energy spurts. After a couple of months of experimenting, I started observing others and seeing what food did to them. The results were startlingly similar to what I had experienced when performing the experiment on myself.


Kaalicharan said...

Indeed true!
If there's anything that my malnutrition(which can be attributed to office humdrums and carelessness) has taught me, it is that food remains the second elixir of life after water and it does decides somewhere along the fine line, who we are.

Unknown said...

@Kaalicharan- talk about malnutrition thanks to office humdrums... I think every one of us working people goes through it...

Ravi said...

Annam Brahman..that's Nice thought